
Little Dragons

Prepared environment for children from 6 months of age, equipped with adequate furniture, toys and aids that help us in the motor and skill development of our youngest children.

Important information

  • Capacity of our classroom is only 10 kids
  • The children are taken care of by qualified staff (teacher/ nurse).
  • The environment is fully prepared for nursery children
  • We accept children with diapers and breastfed (we heat breast milk in a water bath and serve in a bottle)
  • We help tget rid of a diapers , get rid of a pacifier and provide individual advice to parents .
  • We can tailor the daily rouine to the needs of the child and his or her family.
  • We create healthy rituals and habits for children to help them develop.
  • We develop the child's fine and gross motor skills , and strengthen their social skills .
  • We also focus on leading to independence (in proportion to the child's age) and first vocabulary developmen.
  • We send photos and information to parents every day through the Twigsee app.
  • We leave the adaptation spontaneous. We do not put any pressure on the child or parents and do not let the child cry. We believe that everything has its time.

Daily routine

  • 7:30 - 9:00 arrival, playing with toys
  • 9:00 morning circle (rhymes, songs, excercises and activities)
  • 9:30 diapers change, hygiene, snack
  • 10:00 outside time - garden or short walk
  • 11:15 hygiene - washing hands, preparing for lunch
  • 11:30 lunch
  • 12:00 diapers change, hygiene, calm time
  • 12 - 13:00 pick up time

If you are interested in the afternoon program, please contact us

* times shown are for guidance only. Every day we adapt the daily plan to the individual needs of the child. We accommodate individual adjustments to the daily routine by prior arrangement with parents.

Attendance and Price list

  • The nursery is open every weekday, including the summer holidays. We are closed on public holidays.
  • We compile a price list tailored to your needs, more information here .
  • Come and see us and get to know us, so you can decide if we are the right choice for you and your child :)