Children's group Little Dragons

Prepared nursery environment for children as young as 6 months of age, equipped with adequate furniture, toys and tools that help us in the motor and skill development of our nursery children.

What are you interested in

  • In this class are the youngest children
  • Class capacity is only 12 children.
  • Children are cared for by qualified staff (teachers/health professionals/professional nannies).
  • The environment is fully prepared for children of nursery age.
  • We accept diapered and breastfed babies (we heat breast milk in a water bath and serve it in a bottle).
  • Pomáháme odplenkovat, zbavit se dudlíku a poskytujeme individuální konzultace rodičům.
  • We can individually adapt the regime to the needs of the child and his/her family.
  • We create healthy rituals and habits that help children develop.
  • We develop the child's fine and gross motor skills, and strengthen his social skills
  • We also focus on leading to independence(in proportion to the age of the child) and developing the first vocabulary.
  • We leave the adaptation free. We do not put any pressure on the child or the parents and do not let the child cry. We believe that everything has its time.
  • Children get used to a regular daily routine and gradually gain confidence
  • They learn about toys,their use and cleaning
  • Gradually children master basic self-care, eating, using the toilet
  • Children are gradually introduced to social habits - greeting, thanking, asking for help and classroom rules.

mode of day

  • 7:30 - 9:00 arrival of children, free activities
  • 9:00 morning circle
  • 9:30 snack
  • 9:45 Preschool preparation in groups - Creative activity / Worksheets / Free play
  • 10:45 hygiene, changing
  • 11:00 stay outside
  • 12:15 lunch
  • 12:30 lunchtime quiet, bedtime / picking up children with morning attendance
  • 15:00 lunch break, browsing books, free activities
  • 15:00 afternoon activity / stay in the garden
  • 18:00 free play, picking up children with full day attendance

If you are interested in the afternoon programme, please contact us

*The times given are approximate only. Each day we adapt the regime to the individual needs of the child. We can accommodate individual adjustments to the regime after prior agreement with the parents.

Attendance and pricing

  • The nursery is open every weekday including the summer holidays. We are closed on public holidays.
  • The price list is tailored to your needs, more information here
  • Come and see us and get to know us so you can decide if we are right for you and your child :)

Come and see us!